Denial of Wallet / Service

Denial of Wallet attacks, alongside Denial of Service, are critical security concerns where an attacker excessively engages with an LLM-based apps leading to substantial resource consumption.


Denial of Wallet Attacks, alongside Denial of Service, are critical security concerns where an attacker excessively engages with a Large Language Model (LLM) applications, leading to substantial resource consumption. This not only degrades the quality of service for legitimate users but also can result in significant financial costs due to overuse of resources. Attackers can exploit this by using a jailbroken interface to covertly access third-party LLMs like OpenAI's GPT, essentially utilizing your application as a free proxy to OpenAI.

Key Concerns:

  1. Application Downtime: Risk of service unavailability due to resource overuse.
  2. Performance Degradation: Slower response times and reduced efficiency.
  3. Financial Implications: Potential for incurring high operational costs.

Learn more about Denial of Wallet attacks:

How Prompt Security Helps

To address the risk of Denial of Wallet/Denial of Service attack, Prompt Security employs robust measures to ensure each interaction with the GenAI application is legitimate and secure. We closely monitor for any abnormal usage or increased activity from specific identities, and instantly block them if they deviate from normal parameters. This proactive approach guarantees the integrity of your application, protecting it from attacks that could lead to service interruptions or excessive costs.

Time to see for yourself

Learn why companies rely on Prompt Security to protect both their own GenAI applications as well as their employees' Shadow AI usage.

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