Prompt Leak

Prompt Leak is a specific form of prompt injection where a Large Language Model (LLM) inadvertently reveals its system instructions or internal logic.


Prompt Leak is a specific form of prompt injection where a Large Language Model (LLM) inadvertently reveals its system instructions or internal logic. This issue arises when prompts are engineered to extract the underlying system prompt of a GenAI application. As prompt engineering becomes increasingly integral to the development of GenAI apps, any unintentional disclosure of these prompts can be considered as exposure of proprietary code or intellectual property.

Key Concerns:

  1. Intellectual Property Disclosure: Preventing the unauthorized revelation of proprietary information embedded in system prompts.
  2. Recon for Downstream Attacks: Avoiding the leak of system prompts which could serve as reconnaissance for more damaging prompt injections.
  3. Brand Reputation Damage: Protecting the organization's public image from the fallout of accidental prompt disclosure which might contain embarrassing information.

How Prompt Security Helps

To address the risk of prompt leaks, Prompt Security meticulously monitors each prompt and response to ensure that the GenAI app does not inadvertently disclose its assigned instructions, policies, or system prompts. In the event of a potential leak, we will block the attempt and issue a corresponding alert. This proactive approach fortifies your homegrown GenAI projects against the risks associated with prompt leak, safeguarding both your intellectual property and brand's integrity.

If you want to test the resilience of your GenAI apps against a variety of risks and vulnerabilities, including Prompt Leak, try out the Prompt Fuzzer. It's available to everyone on GitHub.

Time to see for yourself

Learn why companies rely on Prompt Security to protect both their own GenAI applications as well as their employees' Shadow AI usage.

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